Our Details

Tel: +27 (060) 810 4319
Email: info@superlead.org
Website: www.superlead.org

Physical Address:

Cnr of William Nicol Drive & Broadacres Dr
Fourways, Johannesburg
South Africa
SuperLead aims to stretch your personal capability as a leader, inspiring you to go further in leading yourself and others.

We want to equip any individual with the right content, connections, resilience and resourcefulness in becoming a high capacity leader.

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About Us

SuperLead: Building high capacity African leaders.

SuperLead aims to stretch your personal capability as a leader, inspiring you to go further in leading yourself and others. We want to equip any individual with the right content, connections, resilience and resourcefulness in becoming a high capacity leader.
  • Super Lead
    Super Lead
    SuperLead Podcast Episode 125 with Dr. Ashika Pillay, Chief Wellbeing Officer, Leadership and Wellbeing Coach, and mindfulness teacher